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Booking, reservation and cancellation conditions

We would be very happy if you would like to spend your holidays with us and enter your reservation for the desired studio and at the desired time on our reservation list

If you have to cancel your holiday with us, please let us know immediately by email, 

If you cancel up to 30 days before the start of the booking, you will not incur any costs

If you cancel 29 days - 14 days before the start of the booking, we ask you to pay 50% of the booking amount

If you cancel 13-3 days before the start of the booking, we ask you to pay 75% of the booking amount

For cancellations of less than 72 hours, we ask you to pay 100% of the amount

As the studios are mostly booked long term it would be a big loss for us as it is difficult to rent the studios in the short term.

If we can still rent the studio you canceled at short notice, you will of course not incur any costs

Thank you very much for your understanding

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